Saturday, May 28, 2011


Hello horror movie lovers,  (We assume you DO like horror movies being as you are here?!).

Over the coming days, weeks and months we at Horror Movie Friday will endeavour to give you recommendations for the kind of movies that will give you a good Friday night scare, sometimes a laugh and sometimes a groan!

We do not profess to be experts or historians on the subject of horror films (so don’t expect features about strange, independent pseudo-horror films from Iceland) nor are we collectors or journalists (so don’t expect full bio’s of the actors, directors, producers and the boy that made the on-set coffee.) BUT we know what WE like to watch and we hope that in browsing this blog you will see some stuff that you like too, whether that’s movies to watch for the first time or a reminder to revisit old favorites. We will try to inform and entertain with some salient facts and video clips from the movies and give you plenty of links to related topics, also we encourage you to post your own responses and links on the pages.

So, grab some popcorn, a drink, dim the lights and enjoy your own 'Horror Movie Friday'…………


  1. I love horror movies, especially the supernatural horror. Dawn of the Dead - classic! Zombies rule the monster world!

  2. Oh Yes Angela!, Zombies probably top our list of movie monsters too! Most likely there will be a generous helping of Zombie flicks in the coming posts......

  3. With acting, there is a level of anonymity which is conducive to your profession. There are examples of very public people who are on the cover of every celebrity magazine but can't open a film.
